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Below are links to some of our partners and other organisations with a common interest or remit. While we may work with some of these organisations, or have done in the past, we can not take responsibility for the accuracy of their web content or their cookie policies once links are clicked.
Atlantic Salmon Trust

Set up in 1967, The Atlantic Salmon Trust is involved in the funding and sponsorship of practical research programmes tackling the problems with wild Atlantic Salmon and Sea Trout face today.


Atlantic Salmon Trust

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

The Outer Hebrides local authority. CnES - Ag Obair Comhla Airson Nan Eilean - Working Together For the Western Isles.​


Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Crown Estate

The Crown Estate owns a variety of land, freshwater and seabed assets in the UK.

The Crown Estate

Fisheries Management Scotland

Fisheries Management Scotland is the representative body for Scotland’s network of District Salmon Fishery Boards, the River Tweed Commission and Rivers and Fisheries Trusts. Our members work hard to safeguard the interests of Scotland’s valuable and iconic wild freshwater fisheries, by promoting and delivering best practice in fishery management.


Fisheries Management Scotland

Fisheries Research Services

Fisheries Research Services (FRS) is an agency of the Scottish Government Marine Directorate (SGMD). FRS provides expert scientific and technical advice to Government on Marine and freshwater fisheries, aquaculture and the protection of the aquatic environment.


Fisheries Research Services

Hebridean Mink Project

The Hebridean Mink PRoject was set up to prevent disturbance and losses to internationally important populations of ground nesting birds proritised under the EC Wild Birds Directive. This includes migratory soecies within designated Special Protection Areas.


Hebridean Mink Project

John Muir Trust

The John Muir Trust are the leading wild land conservation charity in the UK. Inspired by the work, spirit and legacy of John Muir, our members care passionately about wild places wherever they may be, and the diversity of life they support.


John Muir Trust

Loop Tackle

Loop Tackle Design are designers and manufacturers of high quality fly fishing tackle and the inventors of the large arbor fly reel.


Loop Tackle Design

Salmon and Trout Conservation

The Salmon and Trout Conservation (formally Salmon and Trout Association) was formed in 1903. The aims of S&TC are to address all issues relevant to fisheries legislation and regulation, together with environmental and species management and conservation.​


Salmon and Trout Conservation

Scottish Environmental Protection Agency

The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) is Scotland's environmental regulator. Their main role is to protect and improve the environment. SEPA is responsible for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in Scotland and both coordinates and participates in the river basin planning process.



Scottish Fisheries Co-ordination Centre

The Scottish Fisheries Coordination Centre (SFCC) was established in 1997 to meet the need for high quality fisheries information and standard data collection methods in the light of a growing awareness of salmonid decline throughout Scotland.


Scottish Fisheries Coordination Centre


NatureScot is Scotland's nature agency.  They work to improve our natural environment in Scotland and inspire everyone to care more about it.




Third Sector Hebrides

Third Sector Hebrides was founded in 1968 and are a public and government service dedicated to supporting the voluntary sector locally, by giving advice and support on a wide range of issues including funding, community planning and social inclusion.


Third Sector Hebrides

Wild Trout Trust

The Wild Trout Trust (WTT) is dedicated to the conservation of wild trust in Britain and Ireland through protection and restoration of habitat.


Wild Trout Trust


All materials Copyright © 2019 Outer Hebrides Fisheries Trust unless otherwise stated. | Charity Registration Number SC040530  | Company Registration Number SC307684

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